Part 7
Note that the regular classes and the M class are independent of each other, in the sense that because you jump from a random class to M, it doesn't necisarilly reflect the level IV class. Anyone understand? Anyway.
I am in Alamogordo, NM today, I tried to do this update last night but the internet kept crapping out so I'm going to finish it now.
Anyway so this kid took this key into this cave, let's get the key back.
We're here because you killed your brother. HAHA JUST KIDDING BIBLE JOKE
Looks like someone wants a baby to come out of her vagina. MAXIM'S BABY!
Oh no looks like I have to fix some bridges and then jump down to get that switch.
Wow, that's exciting. It also lowered some spikes on that high ledge, but I'm not heading that way now, I'm going to take a detour that causes us to end up at the same place but with more items.
Later on I'll get an item that lets me break these rocks, and get some items hidden in the walls here.
To continue on, I need to press down those three switches, but I only have two pots! Hmm. . .
There was a third, SECRET pot hidden behind this pillar
This room has a crack floor which I will fall down, and not even get hurt!
Oh no not another IMPOSSIBLE PUZZLE!
Oh shi
hey awesome oh wait it smells like horse poop.
Its IP is frenzy which I think is only a 1.5x power attack, not as good as dive but the stat bonus is better.
I gave the eagle rock to Tia.
If this moth kills me it will STEAL MY POWERS!
This room looks empty but. . .
If I stand on this invisible switch, a stairway appears! I left the pot on this panal to keep the stairs from going away.
More secret passages.
More new armor yay!
Healing pads, and also I can slash this vine to reveal another secret passage!
This raises GUTS, which is lame unless I guess you want a piece of some glowing mountain. Also, it determines whether or not your capsule buddies run, but you can't raise their guts so what's the point? The other chest was a MIRACLE OH JESUS LORD
Good thing that pot didn't move!
Hmm I smell a trap. . .
Power brace raises INT, so I gave it to Tia. Also, the spikes trapped me in! The other two chests were a hi potion and like a hi magic or something. The only way to escape here is slaughtering lots of crabs!
Crabs large and small will feel my wrath and taste the steel of my blade. HERE ME CRABS, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED!
Now that they're all dead, I'm able to escape and continue on.
Oh shit if I hit this switch, it opens that path but then I can't go back. So clearly I need to. . .
shoot it with an arrow from over here! I could also have stood where the path opened and fallen down, but I have more business up here.
This is a really difficult puzzle. I have to move this block onto the switch under the topmost bush. Trouble is, all the bushes (except the one with the switch under it) grow back after you go three steps. Sounds hard. . . and then I realized you can use bombs, which makes it really, really easy.
Yeah, it makes that staircase up there appear. And since I opened that path with the switch, I can go back and claim my. . .
Raises Def AND Agl, which is awesome. It'll be even more useful for another slow but strong character I'll get soon who can benefit from the speed boost.
Another mysteriously out of reach treasure chest! This one is a bit more complicated to get.
You have to push these pillars in the water and then walk through the wall. I'm in the wall currently. The chest has
A witch ring, which is great for Tia!
Makes her way more useful, that's for sure.
In the basement's basement, we find another chest that is hidden in the wall HOW CAN I EVER FIND IT GEEZ I NEED A WALKTHRU WALLS CHEAT!
omgwallhax The chest had a miracle in it PRAISE THE LAWD!
In another room, this switch causes water to drain, I wonder what that's for?!
Oh apparently I have to drain water from another, similar looking room to get across here.
Hey this room looks so much like the same room, except it isn't. Okay now I can cross that thing.
So did the monster bar itself in this room by laying a bunch of bricks or something? What was the point of putting a bombable wall here?
Wow that's a pretty. . . huge. . . monster. . . goblin. . . I guess. . .
Hmm he doesn't look very princely. . . I wonder how he likes
He also attemped to call some friends but I quickly dispatched them.
Okay let's go back and open that door.
Yeah, and everyone else can get through now, you selfish bitch.
God she is selfish, I never even noticed that before. What a slefish bitch.
Yeah I'm not doing this for you, "Hilda."
This is a crazy warp shrine, there were a few of these in Lufia I but they weren't nearly as cool looking!
Here's Tanbel, the site of our next update! Whenever that will be, some time when I have free internet again. Not tonight but maybe tomorrow, who knows?!
And it seems like you guys want me to name Zeppy Butts and use him, so I will! But in the meantime, since he's the last one you get, I'll use whichever ones you choose until then.